Tuesday, December 25, 2018

High Vibrations Only

It's Christmas morning and my 11 year old is asleep. My 9, soon to be 10, year old is up watching the Today Show waiting for me to give him cereal while I have my coffee and blog about my morning. But this isn't just a blog about my morning. This is an entry about how easily I let go of the things not meant for me. Scratch that, not easily, but gracefully. One of my favorite quotes is, "An elegant guest knows when to leave the party." It's from The Big Stone Gap. And as the years have passed, I have only gotten better at it.

I broke up with my boyfriend of almost a year last night. Yes, on Christmas Eve, and I cried and prayed for strength to do it. It was painful and it was hard, but I did it. And I didn't even face him. Not for lack of trying. I tried for a month to talk about how my needs weren't being met. He flaked on me twice. Didn't return phone calls or texts. Violated my boundaries even... so, I called one last time to say, "Thank you. But this isn't working for me." Except, he forwarded my call and it wasn't the first time. So I took a deep breath, went on social media, removed him from everything, deleted all of his messages, pictures and even contact information. I was done and I was ruthless about it. And I was sad and I cried about it. I'm still a little sad, but I'm more happy than sad. I'm relieved and know that I did the right thing. I know that I only made room for higher vibrations, positivity and a better life. I am and will continue to be unapologetic about the energy I keep around me. I hope you do too. I hope you get to that point where you can honor yourself enough to gracefully let things go.

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