Sunday, April 15, 2012

Someone That I Used To Know

You hurt me several days ago and I'm still sad. I have to write about it because that's what I do. You called me hopeless, helpless and just plain dumb. You called me stupid. Now, today, you called me filth. At least I think you were referring to me. It doesn't really matter see, because this is the last I'll speak of it. I'm only chronicling so as to not forget. Forget how sad you made me. How over the top you were. How far you went. It was too far and now, it's irreparable. Now, what you said can't be unsaid and I'm not like you. If people have wronged me, sure I'll be mad and hurt and angry and sad, but I won't lash out. That is not who I am. If that's who you are, that's fine. But when it turned against me, (and really, why wouldn't it?) it was too much. More than I deserved, more than I needed. I'm sensitive. I know you don't like that, so perhaps we shouldn't be in each others lives. You'll go back to being someone that I used to know.

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